Monday, May 5, 2008

Abortion: My Honest Take On It

This is going to be a quick analysis. I do not have a specific story or topic that I want to touch upon and add my two cents to but I do want to just put out there my take on the controversial subject of Abortion. One side says that it is not wrong because it is the decision of the mother to do what she wants and feels is right for her. The other side (the Church) says that it is morally wrong because, technically, it is the deliberate killing of a human being. So who is right? If we knew the answer to that then there would no longer be a controversy on the subject.
I was baptized as a Catholic but have never really kept up with my religion while growing up. Due to that, I do not really have any feelings toward religion in general, I do not feel that being religious is going to have a profound impact on my life. So when it comes to the abortion question, how do I feel? Is is right or wrong? Well, when you think about it, it is wrong. It is the killing of a human being even though they are not born yet. But, honestly, if I was in the predicament where I was a pregnant teen and had to make a decision, I would get an abortion. I apologize to anyone that this entry might offend but this is just my opinion that I am entitled to. It is not that I am being a hypocrite either, it is just that I am viewing the situation from both perspectives and I understand and can argue for both perspectives. I think more people should take the time to do that. I, personally, would have an abortion because I think that would be more beneficial to the child than bringing them up in an environment where I cannot take care of them. That is the subject of abortion and my honest take on it.

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