Thursday, November 27, 2008

Inner Beauty

Is it really what is on the inside that counts? Or is the outer beauty all that is important? I do not think outer beauty is that important, but the sad thing is that it is to the rest of the world; which is why people feel like they have to live up to the standard of "true beauty". It is a shame because I end up feeling like that sometimes and I really should not. People notice petty things that drive you crazy just because they noticed them in the first place. People start to feel like less than they are because others belittle them and their beauty. it gets to the point where you feel like there is no one that really appreciates the "real" you and the fact that you are not perfect and have flaws. It is the point where we realize that we are better than these petty notices and better than what it on the outside that we begin to blossom. That is the point where things change for the better. All we have to do is go with the punches and accept life for what it is; be thankful for what we have and what we are and stop being upset because of the things we are not and do not have.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It's All Over

Well, it is about that time. The time when school is about to be over and people are looking towards the summer. As for me, I really like St. John's and everything about it; the people, organizations, fun activities, and anything that I experienced here during my first year. Getting adjusted to the college life was not as difficult as I thought it would be. It was pretty easy and getting involved in the dance team contributed a lot to it. I met many people, especially upper classmen, and it helped me with my transition from high school. My first year went rather fast and now I know that I have to enjoy every moment of college because the rest of my years will go just as fast. Can't wait until next year!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Abortion: My Honest Take On It

This is going to be a quick analysis. I do not have a specific story or topic that I want to touch upon and add my two cents to but I do want to just put out there my take on the controversial subject of Abortion. One side says that it is not wrong because it is the decision of the mother to do what she wants and feels is right for her. The other side (the Church) says that it is morally wrong because, technically, it is the deliberate killing of a human being. So who is right? If we knew the answer to that then there would no longer be a controversy on the subject.
I was baptized as a Catholic but have never really kept up with my religion while growing up. Due to that, I do not really have any feelings toward religion in general, I do not feel that being religious is going to have a profound impact on my life. So when it comes to the abortion question, how do I feel? Is is right or wrong? Well, when you think about it, it is wrong. It is the killing of a human being even though they are not born yet. But, honestly, if I was in the predicament where I was a pregnant teen and had to make a decision, I would get an abortion. I apologize to anyone that this entry might offend but this is just my opinion that I am entitled to. It is not that I am being a hypocrite either, it is just that I am viewing the situation from both perspectives and I understand and can argue for both perspectives. I think more people should take the time to do that. I, personally, would have an abortion because I think that would be more beneficial to the child than bringing them up in an environment where I cannot take care of them. That is the subject of abortion and my honest take on it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

One Line Story

The first year of college is neccessay, essential, scary, exciting, as well as the most important point in a teenager's life. (It was for me.)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Director's Cut

My blog is like my own little movie to me, in which I am the director. Although, I am a different kind of director. It is true that I control everything on my blog; the template, color scheme, content, etc. I,also, " direct" the blog in the way that I look at my topics in different ways. Not only am I directing what happens on my blog but I am directing the way I would like people to think about what I am writing. The reason why I feel that this particular entry is like a "Director's Cut" is because it is my version of the events that happen in my daily life. I use my blog page as a way to express how I am feeling about diverse subjects, events, personal situations, etc. I thought that it was pretty cool that I came up with the term "Director's Cut" to describe what my blog is. When I got the idea to do this entry, I tried to think of a way to convey the purpose of my blog and how I chose to run it. Using this term, is the only way that I can fully explain everything that my blog is about; it sums up everything that my page signifies in two words. This term also goes along with the title of my blog, "Through My Colorful Eyes". They both mean the same thing and explain how my perspective of certain things are either similar or different to the other views of people.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Take Advantage of Your Opportunities

Today, in my first class, a man came into my class to announce an event that is happening on campus next week. It was Dr. Angelo Pisani informing us about the barbeque that the College of Professional Studies is having on Thursday, April 17th during common hour. The purpose of the event is to get students, mostly freshman, to meet their deans and become more social in the St. John's community. He asked how many of the students in my class were in the College of Professional Studies and about 10 students, including myself, raised their hands. I found it weird that when he asked those that were interested to sign a paper saying they might attend, the only person that signed the paper was me. As I was packingup my things, I heard Dr. Pisani expressing to my professor his disappointment that most students do not take advantage of the opportunities they are awarded. I thought about this a lot while on my morning break in between classes. The good thing about being on the Staten Island campus is that we have a closer connection to everyone. It is also easier to recieve help in different areas whether it be educational, financial, or multicultural. This is not an environment where there are thousands of students and no one has time to focus on a student's individual problems or struggles. It is the complete opposite and that is what makes it just as good as any huge campus. In other words, it is not difficult on this campus to do so when there is an event or forum, take advantage of it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


This is the flyer for EXPRESS YA SELF, a talent/fashion competition sponsored by the CAUTION DANCE TEAM. It is co- sponsored by the Magnificat Gospel Choir and the Pan African Caribbean Student Association. It is on Monday, April 28th at 7 p.m. sharp, doors open at 6 p.m. It is in the Campus Center Gymnasium and has free admission. There will be an assortment of musicians, dancers, poets, singers, etc. Refreshments and food will be available. Come out and support your fellow students as well as have a good time and enjoy the entertainment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"Three- Poled Frame Reference"

The first topic for the second in-class essay was the philosophy of English essayist and author of “Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. I did not understand the quote at first but after my conference with Professor Farley, I understood it a little better. Huxley is saying that there are three different poles of reference for writing essays. The pole of the personal, which focuses on more the autobiographical aspect of writing; the pole of the objective, which focuses on the information and facts; and the pole of the abstract- universal that focuses on the world as a whole.
Aldous Huxley thinks that in order for an essay to be truly effective it has to be written with all three poles in mind. He believes that most essayists write in reference to one of the three poles and only pay attention to one form of writing. Some essayists focus on two poles like in "The Curve of Binding Energy" when John McPhee talked about the life of Ted Taylor and how it related to the Orion Project. That is an example of using the pole of the personal and the pole of the objective in one essay. Although, some essayists do not use all three poles, Huxley thinks that they are still capable of writing good essays.
I think that the point of this quote is to show the difference between the styles of writing and realize the ways to improve on our current styles of writing. It is a good reference to think about while starting a new piece of writing.

The Hope Diamond

The Hope Diamond is always something that has fascinated me since I first saw the movie, "Titanic". It was introduced to me in the scene where it was given to the main character as a wedding gift. I used to wonder whether that was the real Hope Diamond in the movie or not and I would have little thoughts, here and there, about it. I did some research on it and realized that the Hope Diamond is not a sapphire as it appears to be. It is a deep blue, 45 carat diamond that has a lot of history behind it. It is traced back to a blue diamond named the "Tavernier Blue", which was 115 carats and originally mined from the Kollur mine in Golconda, India. It was then sold to King Louis XIV of France in 1668, where it was cut into a 67 carat stone, set in gold and suspended on a necklace. It became known as the "Blue Diamond of the Crown" or the "French Blue". It was given to Louis XVI and when he became king, he gave it to Marie Antoinette for her jewelry collection. It was stolen in 1792 and taken to London, where there is no record of its whereabouts until 1824.
It resurfaced in the gem collection of Henry Phillip Hope, he had it set in a brooch. When he died in 1839, his 3 nephews fought in court for 10 years over his inheritance. The feud came to an end when his brother, Henry Thomas acquired the gems as well as the Hope Diamond. He put it on display in the Great Exhibition of London in 1851 and Paris Exhibition Universelle in 1855. When Henry Thomas died in 1862, his wife, Adele, inherited it. Upon her death in 1884, it was passed to their daughter, Henrietta. She married Henry Pelham-Clinton and when they both died, it was passed to their son, Henry Francis Pelham-Clinton Hope. Although, he had a life interest on his inheritance so he could not sell the diamond without the permission of the court.
The Hope Diamond has been through a lot since then to become the diamond that we know of today. It is currently being housed in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, where its legacy and beauty lives on.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Phenomenal Woman

"Phenomenal Woman" by Maya Angelou is a very inspiring poem about the importance of all women. Maya Angelou talks about how each woman has something special about them that makes them phenomenal. All women have a certain grace or style that makes them an individual and it is that individuality that makes them all, for lack of a better word, phenomenal. I like the fact that she says " I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size" because a lot of women feel like that and it is a good way of relating to the audience. It shows that women are special not because of their size, physical looks or brain power but because of the style that everyone has that differentiates them from other people. This poem serves as an inspiration to women that everyone can be 'phenomenal' in different ways for different reasons.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Is Stress Necessary?

Some things in life just are not necessary like holding grudges or being involved in a fight. But what about stress? Is it necessary? Some might say that it is not but I think it is. Stress is like an indicator that a change needs to made in order to lift a certain type of stress away. For example, the other day I was feeling very stressed out about school, homework, and life in general. The fact that I was stressed helped me realize that I really needed to take control over the things that I was slacking on. Some people might say that stress is pointless and it does nothing but cause grief but I think that it helps the body realize that something is wrong. The same way that pain lets the body know that we have a cut, stress lets the body know that a load needs to be lifted off for peace of mind. Basically. I think it is necessary because it lets us know that we need to get things done, like homework or chores. It informs people that the routine that is being done needs to be changed in order to get rid of and avoid stress.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

My Own Special Work of Art

Do you know what you do to me?
Why your presence takes away my ability to see
the truth that is right in front of me.
If you really you care
about my mind and personality
then why do I despair?

For the truth of the matter is

All you see is the flow of my hair,
the smile on my face, the curve of my waist,
the switch to my walk, the way that I talk
and the shape of my thighs but why?
Can't you stop and look into my eyes
You will find
that there is more to me on the inside.
My feelings are there, my feelings are real
You already know this playa so what's your deal?

OOOOOO, I get it

You thought you could hit it and quit it
Get in, get out and be done with it
Well let me tell you something, I'm not with it.
So starting now, I'm moving on
I won't be around for you to stomp upon.
You no longer have any affect on me
and if anyone asks what you do to me
my response will be...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Im Still a Catholic at Heart

What do you have to do to prove your devotion to your religion? Go to mass every week and pray daily? Is that really neccessary? I do not think so. You can still be very in touch with your religion and your faith without doing all of that. Some people go to church because they really want to and feel that it brings them closer to their beliefs. Other people go to church because they feel it is a way to prove that they are more religious than they actually are. Attending church for that reason is worse than not going at all.
I don't feel like I should have to prove to anyone how much of a Catholic I am. I do not need people to see me going to mass or fasting for Lent to prove my faith. Just because I do not include mass in my weekly routine or believe every word in the Bible , does not mean that I am a "non- Catholic". Everyone has the right to express their faith in whatever way they choose to, whether it be by being active in the church community or by never stepping foot inside a church.
I was baptized as a Catholic, recieved first communion and had my Confirmation. I do not go to mass every sunday or on holidays. That may be wrong and some may say that I am not a true follower of God. That may very well be true but I know deep inside what I believe in and that is really all that matters.

Monday, March 17, 2008

One Line Story

Frustration and stress, accompanied by helplessness leaves a constant feeling that you are always falling short in everything you do.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Colorful Women

As I was sitting in the campus center gymnasium watching the seats fill up, the Blessing of Women ceremony was beginning. Sister Joan welcomed everyone that was in attendance and began her introduction. She spent some time talking about the different colors of the decorations and daises that were given out upon entry. As everyone looked around and took in the beauty of all the colors she was talking about, I started thinking about how it all related to my blog. I never thought that I would spontaneously begin thinking about writing blogs on my day off but, surprisingly, I did. There were multi- colored balloons and daises, it was a really beautiful scene. Sister Joan made a comment that caught my attention about the different colors of women. Basically, the assortment of colors that surrounded the gymnasium were symbols of the many women in society and the people who appreciate them. The daises that everyone was given was meant to represent each woman at the ceremony as well as the women that they wanted to bless. The whole ceremony, in general, was to show appreciation for all the women in the world and all the hardships that women have overcome in the past. Over all, it was a nice event and I am glad that I decided to attend.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend

Diamonds are the hardest gemstones and also the most valuable. Their most popular use is for engagement rings, especially the clear diamonds. Not all diamonds are clear, they come in an assortment of rare colors that each have their own special signficance.
The world's rarest and most prized diamond is the pink diamond as known as the "Pink Fancy". One of these diamonds would sell for around seven million dollars! That is a lot of money for a diamond but hey, that is what they are worth. Pink diamonds symolize creativity; for example,they promote creative expression in dancers and writers.
Yellow diamonds symbolize thoughtfulness and consideration. Diamond experts say that yellow diamonds are the perfect choice for grooms that want to do something different. It is a good way for them to show their brides how much they care.
Blue diamonds are a symbol of good health and promote peace and serenity. I have never seen a blue diamond in person but I have heard of one. The most popular blue diamond is the Hope Diamond. It was found by Henry Philip Hope, from whom the diamond is named, in 1839. It is a 67 carat stone that is mounted on a circle of large white diamonds. It was donated to the Smithsonian Institution, where it is today and has become its premier attraction.
Red diamonds have a very powerful meaning. In terms of engagement, it is a way for the groom to express that not only does he loves his bride, but also everything about her personality ad what she represents. In general terms, red diamonds symbolize strength and stability in life. It is also considered to be a stress reliever; it can help with the emotional state of mind. This particular diamond promotes inspiration in everyday activities and makes a powerful statement.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Diamonds are Forever

Almost every girl loves diamonds. I know I do. They come in as many colors as yellow, green, blue, pink and the most common, white or clear. The white/clear diamonds are the ones commonly used in jewelry, usually engagement rings. There is a lot more to diamonds than just their unique shape and dazzling shine. Diamonds symbolize innocence and are said to have healing powers. They do not have specific powers but they help emphasize the powers of other gemstones like emerald and amethyst. Diamonds increase their powers of protection to their highest potential. This is why most spiritual healers wear rings or necklaces with diamonds surrounding an amethyst or emerald gemstone.
Diamond is the birthstone for the month of April and the zodiac sign, Aries. Anyone who is born in April is very lucky because they have a very popular gemstone as their birthstone. I bet a lot of people did not know that in other parts of the world, diamonds serve other purposes than just for jewelry. Well now they know and so do you. Share the info with someone.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Lady of Fashion

"A Lady of Fashion" from "All Around the Town" relates to one of my previous blog entries about fashion. This story talks about the fashion trends that were around tens years after the Civil War. Women in this time period went through a lot to keep up with the "fashionable belle" image. The "look" at this time was all about big hair styles, hourglass body figures, and lots of make-up. Almost every woman paid a lot of attention to their physical appearance and wardrobe. I found it interesting that many women wore corsets to make their waists appear smaller because it reminded me of the movie, "Titanic". In this movie, there is a scene where Kate Winslet is putting on a corset and the maid in tightly pulling the strings on it to tie a knot. Kate Winslet is holding on to her bed post, looking like she cannot breathe but the maid pays no mind to her face or aching moans and keeps pulling the strings. This shows that women went through so much physical pain because of the pressure to be beautiful. The whole story was funny to me because I know for a fact that it is true. I have seen people, friends and family, go through a lot to live up to the physical beauty standards of society. I also went through a stage in my life when I thought that everyone had to have the same look and same style.
I am very glad that things have changed since that period of time. "A Lady of Fashion" made me realize how important being an individual really is to me. Of course, everyone has those moments when they want to be on top of the fashion trends but it is not a must to have one certain look.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Black + White = ?

As I said in my first post, everyone has a specific color or assortment of colors that describes them. Even black and white have characteristics associated with them. Although, I think that black and white come together to form gray, which is like a mystery color. I am sure that gray has certain characteristics that could relate to some people but I think that gray is more of a feeling in the atmosphere that is hard to explain like a "gray area". Gray is connected to everyone along with the other colors that are associate with them. It is when you act a certain way or say things that you normally would not. For example, if you are usually a calm, quiet person and you become upset, you might start to act out of the ordinary in ways that you have never acted before. This also applies to someone who is under the influence of alcohol. Their judgment becomes impaired, they do not think before they speak, they become out of control and start act differently.
I am trying not to make this sound like a psychology textbook, examining why people behave the way they do. I am expressing what I think the color, gray, means to me and how I think everyone is linked to it in some way.
Basically, gray is that subconscious color inside everyone that only comes out at certain times.
I think that I am more conscious of my "gray area" now that I am in college. I have realized things about myself, good and bad, that I did not know before. I am not as self- conscious as I thought I was and I am not always the greatest listener. Hopefully as I get older, I will learn more things about myself that will help me to grow more as an adult. But only time will tell.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I had a new experience with my dance team recently. I am a member of the Caution Dance Team on campus and after being on the team for a semester, I realize that my decision to join the team was a good one. About a week ago, the president of the organization asked us to perform an African dance for Project Hospitality, which was hosting an AIDS awareness day at a local church. I was excited about the opportunity because I had not been involved in that type of dancing before. It was cool to choreograph as well as perform African style dances and learn about African culture along the way.
Another thing about the experience that I enjoyed was everything that I learned from the information session on AIDS awareness. It was an eye opening time for me, honestly, because it was helpful information that I feel everyone should know and be aware of. The information was not only for people that already have HIV/AIDS but for anybody that is willing to listen. At first, it was just an African performance but then it became a learning center as well and I am glad I got the chance to take part in it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fashion Trends

Do you ever notice how the looks of manicans in store windows are constantly changing? That is because "the look" of the season is also constantly changing. It is amazing to see how people are always trying to keep up with the look that is "in" and stay away from what is "so last year". The popular fashion trends are actually former trends that have died in the past and are making a comeback.
A popular trend that is around now is skinny jeans. It is very likely that you will see someone wearing skinny jeans while walking around campus or anywhere, for that matter. Some do not agree with fashion trends because it makes people want to look alike and decrease their individuality. On the contrary, I love fashion trends because it is a way for people to take a popular trend and make it their own. Fashion is the product of what people perceive it as. It is not what magazines or fashion designers say it is, it's what you interpret it to be. I think fashion trends are just there to guide people on how to take popular looks and make it their own.
That is why fashion is so important to me. It is something that is very versatile and can always be worked into any person's sense of style. I always try to incorporate new styles, looks, and trends into my daily personality and I am happy with my style and sense of fashion.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl Madness

For as long as I can remember, the Super Bowl has always been a big deal. People would bet loads of money on their favorite teams, buy huge big screen TVs and host big Super Bowl parties and gatherings. I never bothered to care much about it because I did not understand football that well. Now that I understand the game more and have knowledge on the teams playing this year, I was really anticipating this year's Super Bowl. I still do not know the game of football like the back of my hand but it was still a great game to watch.
This year, I became a part of the madness of Super Bowl Sunday. I was jumping and screaming at the top of my lungs at every field goal and touchdown. I finally understand the intensity of watching a game and never knowing what can happen. It is like watching a horror movie and being filled with suspense and action.
I was rooting for the New York Giants because they are from New York and also because many people were doubting their ability to beat the New England Patriots. I do not want to turn this blog into a sports report but this game will go down in history because the Giants went against all odds and beat a team who had a very good season. Super Bowl XLII was not just a football game to me, it was a new experience that opened me up to a world that I never knew anything about. I have a new respect for all football players and their ability to entertain their fans. Lets go Giants!!! Super Bowl XLII Champions

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Colors of Everyone

Everyone has a favorite color. A color that always catches their eye and intrigues them. Why does everyone like a specific color over another? Why do some people have the same favorite color? Simply because everyone is different and their favorite color defines them. According to the Color Wheel Pro, the following colors are associated with these meanings. Most likely, if you look at your favorite color it will have a meaning that describes who you are as a person.
Which COLOR are YOU?

Red: Energy, War, Strength, Power, Passion, Desire, Love, High physical activity
Blue: Trust, Loyalty, Faith, Confidence, Truth
Purple: Royalty, Luxury, Extravagance
Pink: Romance, Love, Friendship, Feminine qualities
Orange: Enthusiasm, Creativity
Yellow: Happiness, Joy, Intellect
Green: Growth, Harmony, Fertility
White: Light, Goodness, Innocence, Purity
Black: Power, Elegance, Death, Mystery

I think colors describe the way people feel, act or just their tastes in general. I like all of these colors and they each have at least one word that describes me as a whole. I love bright colors not only because they stand out but because they show my diversity and interests in everything. I also wanted to share my interests with anyone who comes into contact with my blog, which is why the name and theme of this page is associated with